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Go-Jek is a new phenomenon have the shape of transportation connected by online aplication and appeared in society. Providing services in the form of convenience and can answer about transportation problem for all this time. Even though, Go-Jek disturb and make conflict with Ojek Pangkalan (Opang). Then many media had covered the conflict about “Go-Jek vs Opangâ€. The purpose this reseach are to understand abut media imparsiality, to know how media covered this polemic,and get information about the most frequently cited sources. Because of that, the researcher interest for doing the research using positivistic paradigm by content analysis type about media imparsiality when covered this conflict. Choosing and because of they are the news portals what frequently accessed in Indonesia. This research has focus on the news period of June until October 2015. Because it is the beginning of news about Go-Jek polemic and many media covered it. Researcher find about sided with Go-Jek and is tend to be in a neutral position. Media ( and initially acted for accelerating the dissemination of information. But the media had changed perspective when it appeared the polemic beetween Go-Jek and opang. Media motivated police and government for resolving it. The media hope this innovation continue to be accepted.

Keywords: Content Analysis, Go-Jek, Imparsiality, Polemic, and Transportation Mode.

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Author Biography

Risky Wahyudi, Department of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Department of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


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