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This research entitled “The usage of social media as a form of external public communication (case study on Ridwan Kamil as the Mayor of Bandung)†aims to perceive how Ridwan as a leader can utilize social media as a form of external communication to Bandung people, as well as to perceive what communication and leadership style he applies based on the communication messages through his social media. This research uses qualitative method by content analysis. The data is being collected through literature review which came from the articles from internet sites and the content of Ridwan’s social media. Moreover, this research uses Computer Mediated Communication and External Communication theory. According to the result of analysis to the three main social media accounts of Ridwan which are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the writer found that Ridwan is a clever and brilliant leader who can utilize his social media. In addition, he can differentiate the communication message in these three different social media types, where he produces more formal and comprehensive content on Facebook; brief, real-time and interactive content on Twitter; and more personal, casual and entertaining content on Instagram. By using these social media services, Ridwan has succeeded in communicating to his external public (society) with the purpose of gaining image of Bandung as a tourism city, solving public communication issue and opinion, as well as promoting Bandung.

Keywords: External Public Communication; Social Media; Transformational Leadership;

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Author Biographies

Medika Adel Hafizatullah, University of Indonesia

University of Indonesia, Gedung IASTH Universtias Indonesia Lantai 6, Jl Salemba Raya no. 4, Central Jakarta, Indonesia

Ummi Salamah, University of Indonesia

University of Indonesia, Gedung IASTH Universtias Indonesia Lantai 6, Jl Salemba Raya no. 4, Central Jakarta, Indonesia

Dorien Kartika Wangi, University of Indonesia

University of Indonesia, Gedung IASTH Universtias Indonesia Lantai 6, Jl Salemba Raya no. 4, Central Jakarta, Indonesia


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