We are pleased to bring you the seventh volume of Journal of English and Education (JEE). This June edition of 2013 marks the seventh year of JEE's publication. After these remarkable years, together we have seen a lot of developments and movements in the fields of English language and English education. Many brilliant minds, keen English language researchers as well as committed English language teachers and lecturers have captured those multifaceted dimensions of English language and English education which we care to share with you. As for this edition, we are privileged to present 8 papers which comprise broad and various issues in the field of English language teaching, Linguistics and Literature. Our upmost gratitude and appreciation goes to all of the contributors. Finally, we expect that all the insights and works included in this edition will especially enrich your knowledge and be beneficial for your professional growth. Any critics and constructive suggestions for the improvement of this journal are most welcomed.

Published: June 30, 2013