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Akrilamida merupakan salah satu zat yang dapat menyebabkan kanker pada manusia dan bersifat neurotoksik. Akrilamida dapat terbentuk akibat pemanasan suhu tinggi terhadap makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat dan asam amino. Karbohidrat dan asam amino merupakan senyawa utama yang terkandung dalam biji kopi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah akrilamida pada serbuk kopi dan kopi instan yang beredar di masyarakat. Metode analisa akrilamida dilakukan dengan metode KCKT menggunakan fase gerak asam fosfat:asetonitril:akuabides (1:5:94 v/v/v), fase diam kolom Sunfire C18 (150 x 4,6 mm id, 5μm), dan laju alir 0,15 mL/menit dengan detektor UV 202 nm. Hasil uji validasi metode yang dilakukan memberikan linearitas 0,999 (range 2-20 μg/mL), LOD 0,94 g/mL dan LOQ 2,86 μg/mL, presisi dengan RSD 0,47 %, dan akurasi serbuk kopi 91-94% serta kopi instan 99-102%. Kadar yang diperoleh menunjukkan kadar akrilamida pada serbuk kopi dan kopi instan masing-masing sebesar 7,03 ± 0,01 μg/g dan 5,71 ± 0,03 μg/g. Kadar akrilamida dalam serbuk kopi dan kopi instan dinyatakan aman berdasarkan FDA apabila konsumsi kopi tidak melebihi 16 g/hari.
Kata kunci: akrilamida, serbuk kopi, kopi instan, KCKT, validasi

Acrylamide is a substance that can cause cancer on human and is neurotoxic. Acrylamide is formed due to high temperature heating of foods that contains carbohydrates and amino acids. Carbohydrates and amino acids are the major compounds that contained in coffee beans. This study aims to determine the levels of acrylamide in ground coffee and instant coffee that have different process of manufacture. Method of analyze of acrylamide were perfomed by HPLC (High Performance of Liquid Chromatography) method using mobile phase that consists of phosphoric acid : acetonitrile : aquabides (1:5:94 v/v/v), the stationary phase was Sunfire C18 column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5μm), and the flow rate was 0-15 mL/minute and the detection using UV 202 nm. The result of the study was validation of method that provide the linearity 0.999 (range 2-20 μg/mL), LOD of 0.94 μg/mL and LOQ of 2.86 μg/mL, the precision with RSD of 0.47%, and accuracy for ground coffee of 91-94% and instant coffee of 99-102%. The study found acrylamide levels in ground coffee and instant coffee were 7.03 ±0.01 μg/g dan 5.71 ± 0.03 μg/g respectively. These levels were considered safe for up to 16 g for consume of coffee.
Keywords : acrylamide, ground coffee, instant coffee, HPLC, validation


akrilamida serbuk kopi kopi instan KCKT validasi

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