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Building a strong image is one of a mandatory task that every brand should work with. Some company often used public figures or celebrities to represent their brand or product. The company believes that the popularity and image of this celebrity could improve the marketing activity of a brand to the public. Cetaphil is one of the new brands in Indonesia that use this strategy to promoting their brand in order to gain awareness and build a strong brand image of their products. Andien Aisyah, a singer, and public figure have been introduced as Cetaphil Indonesia's Brand Ambassador and has been actively promoting Cetaphil in her digital platform, as well as Cetaphil promoting Andien as their representative. The facts that digital platform is more likely to be accessible in everywhere and anytime made people consume more digital content on a daily basis through their technology devices. Cetaphil also using the digital platform to reach their audience and to build their brand image. The company usually post their profiles and other data concerning the activities of their organizations, including their recent marketing activity on how they promoting their brand image on the website, their social media, and publish some updated news in online media that could be accessed on the internet by anybody. This research focuses on Cetaphil’s strategy of using Andien as their brand ambassador and how they maximize their digital platform to build their brand image. The aim of this research is to explore the strategy of using celebrity endorsement on the digital platform and how this strategy could build the brand image of Cetaphil Indonesia. This research uses the qualitative approach and use observation as its method of data collection.

Keywords: Celebrity endorsement; brand image; digital marketing; social media; marketing communication;

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Author Biographies

Kartika Putri Hanafi, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Mr Irwansyah, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


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