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Data mining is an activity to extract the knowledge from large amounts of data as very important information. The type of data in the era of 4.0 is data in the form of text, which is very much derived from social media. Recently, text becomes very important in some applications, such as the processing and the conclusion of a person's review and analysis of political opinion which is very sensitive in almost all countries, including Indonesia. Online text data that circulating on social media has several shortcomings that could potentially hinder the analysis process. One of the drawbacks is the people can post their own content freely, so the quality of their opinions cannot be guaranteed such as spam and irrelevant opinions. The other drawback is the basic truth of the online text data is not always available. Basic truth is more like a particular opinion, indicating whether the opinion is positive, negative and neutral. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to improve the forecasting accuracy of online text data analysis from social media. The method used os Hidden Markov Model (HMM) with Viterbi Algorithm that applied to extract the dataset sentiment at the 2015 elections in Surabaya from the popular site micro blogging called Twitter. The result of the study is Viterbi algorithm has predicted the best route with the candidate Tri Rismaharini gained a prediction of neutral sentiments, whereas ratio candidates gained sentiment negative predictions as well. The proposed Model is accurate to predict candidate features. It also helps political parties to introduce candidates based on reviews so that they can increase candidate performance or they can manage broad publicity to promote candidates.


Hidden Markov Model Stochastic Sentiment Analysis

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How to Cite
Irsalinda, N., Haswat, H., Sugiyarto, S., & Fitrianawati, M. (2021). Hidden Markov Model for Sentiment Analysis using Viterbi Algorithm. EKSAKTA: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis, 2(1), 18–23.


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