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Background: Puskesmas is a primary level of health service facility that must implement rational drug use. A rational prescribing pattern will improve the quality of health services.

Objective: The aim of this study was to know the prescribing pattern at the "X" Primary Health Care in Sleman Regency based on WHO indicators.

Method: A retrospective observational study was conducted to assess the prescribing pattern. The sample was selected using simple random sampling and analyzed descriptively. The data was collected from prescriptions in Mei 2019.

Result: The results of this study showed the average number of drugs per prescription was 2.66, drugs prescribed by generic name was 100%. The percentage of encounter in which injection and antibiotic was prescribed was 0% and 15.83% respectively. Most drugs (91.85%) were included in National Formulary.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that the prescribing pattern at Puskesmas X is rational according to the target of the Ministry of Health and WHO, but it is necessary to carry out a continuous MTP (monitoring training planning) process involving related parties.

Keywords: prescribing pattern, primary health care, Sleman, WHO indicators


Latar belakang: Puskesmas adalah fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan tingkat I yang harus menerapkan penggunaan obat rasional. Pola peresepan yang rasional akan menghasilkan kualitas dalam pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat.

Tujuan:  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pola peresepan di Puskesmas “X” Kabupaten Sleman berdasarkan indikator peresepan WHO.

Metode: Penelitian merupakan penelitian observasional secara retrospektif menggunakan resep bulan Mei 2019. Sampel resep diambil dengan metode random sampling dan data dianalisis secara deskriptif.

Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata jumlah obat per lembar resep adalah 2,66, tingkat peresepan obat dengan nama generik 100%, tingkat penggunaan antibiotik sebesar 15,83% dari total kasus, tingkat peresepan injeksi 0%, dan kesesuaian peresepan dengan Formularium Nasional 2017 sebesar 91,85%.

Kesimpulan: Pola peresepan di Puskesmas X sudah rasional sesuai target Kementerian Kesehatan dan WHO, namun perlu dilakukan proses MTP (monitoring training planning) berkesinambungan melibatkan pihak terkait.

Kata kunci: pola peresepan, puskesmas, Sleman, indikator WHO


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