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Background: The high prevalence of cancer leads to the development of new strategies for cancer therapy. The FDA has already approved the amino-acid degrading enzyme as a treatment for lymphoma and leukemia. Furthermore, research related to other amino acid-degrading enzymes was carried out to open up the potential for the development of new cancer therapy strategies. As an amino acid-degrading enzyme, arginase breaks down arginine into urea and ornithine. It is an important part of the urea cycle and may be able to fight tumors.
Objective: This article review aims to provide information related to arginase in cancer therapy.
Method: This review article was written based on a literature study by using electronic databases, including Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and PubMed, from the last 10 years of publication, using keywords: therapeutic enzymes, cancer arginine, arginase, and recombinant human arginase.
Results: Studies showed that arginase has the potential for cancer therapy. Arginase production has been carried out in several scientific studies and showed good results.
Conclusion: Arginase has the potential to be developed as a cancer therapy. Hence, the development of arginase production can be one of the solutions for alternative cancer treatments.
Keywords: Arginase, amino acid-degrading enzyme, cancer

Latar belakang: Tingginya prevalensi kanker secara global mendorong pengembangan baru strategi terapi kanker. Asparaginase sebagai enzim pendegradasi asam amino telah digunakan dan disetujui oleh FDA untuk terapi leukimia dan limfoma. Selanjutnya, penelusuran terkait enzim pendegrasi asam amino lainnya dilakukan untuk membuka potensi pengembangan strategi terapi kanker yang baru. Arginase merupakan pendegradasi asam amino yang berperan dalam siklus urea dengan menghidrolisis arginin menjadi urea and ornitin dan memiliki potensi aktivitas antitumor.
Tujuan: Ulasan artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi terkait enzim arginase dalam terapi kanker.
Metode: Strategi pencarian dilakukan pada database elektronik pada artikel dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir, meliputi database Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, dan PubMed. Kata kunci yang digunakan diantaranya therapeutic enzymes, cancer arginine, arginase, dan recombinant human arginase.
Hasil: Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa arginase berpotensi menjadi terapi kanker. Produksi arginase telah dilakukan dalam beberapa penelitian ilmiah dan menunjukkan hasil yang baik.
Kesimpulan: Arginase memiliki potensi menjadi terapi kanker, sehingga pengembangan produksi arginase dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk alternatif pengobatan kanker.
Kata kunci: Arginase, enzim pendegradasi asam amino, kanker


arginase amino acid-degrading enzyme cancer

Article Details


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