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The purpose of this study was to design a sharia loss insurance model that is suitable for small fishermen, especially fishermen in Palabuhan Ratu and Pangandaran areas. The method of this study was qualitative research with analytical techniques using Miles and Huberman. The results showed that small fishermen in carrying out operational operations, they often experienced loss and damage to operational equipment ranging from damage and loss of light to damage and loss of weight/severe. The damage was caused by natural factors or theft. To overcome this thing, small fishermen must spend large enough funds to repair the damage or replace losses. If the damage and loss were severe and weight, small fishermen stopped fishing operations and received no income. Small fishermen needed loss insurance and were eligible to become loss insurance customers if the management of small fishermen income. AKSNIL model is a model that bridges between the needs of small fishermen and insurance companies by involving the government and fish auction places and LKMS. This AKSNIL model can reduce the problems faced by fishermen related to continuity in the payment of insurance premiums, on the other hand, can also increase the role of LKMS in coastal communities. The insurance company is also not harmed because of the regular payment of claims and for the payment of claims in large amounts for fishermen are subsidized by the government.

Keywords: Sharia loss insurance, Small Fishermen, LKMS, AKSNIL Model, Insurance Institution

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Author Biography

Tuti Kurnia, Sharia Economic Study Program, Islamic Economic Faculty, Djuanda Bogor University, Bogor, Indonesia


How to Cite
Kurnia, T., Fatimah, J. S., & Alhifni, A. (2020). Sharia Loss Insurance Model For Small Fishermen (A Case Study of Pelabuhan Ratu and Pangandaran). Proceeding UII-ICABE, 1(1), 297–303. Retrieved from


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