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In order to improve the quality of reliable financial reporting, this study attempts to investigate the relationship between MSME performance and financial literacy. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach and a systematic literature review to analyze a total of 25 journals and used data from publications available on Google Scholar. The study's findings demonstrate the substantial impact that financial literacy has on MSMEs' performance since an MSME's performance increases with its owners' level of financial literacy awareness. Previous studies have reached mixed conclusions about the impact of financial literacy on the quality of financial reports. Some found significant effects, while others found no effects at all.

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How to Cite
Gita Aulia Fasya, Aldha Pradina, Heny Triastuti Kurnianingsih, Sri Rahayu, & Lusi Elviani. (2024). Review of financial literacy on MSME performance in improving the quality of financial reports. Proceeding International Conference on Accounting and Finance, 2, 1013–1018. Retrieved from