Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies <p><a href=""><strong>Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies</strong></a> is a discursive venue for research groups, lectures and tutors and students emphasizing architectural education in Indonesian context. It connects education realm with building industries and architectural practices. This journal is internationally peer reviewed / refereed.</p> <p>Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies contains variety of architectural topics on architectural history and theory and criticism, structure and building science as well as design practices. The Journal encourages discursive architecture on marginalized community, gender, race or ethnicity, as well as multicultural and participatory approach<em>.</em></p> Departement of Architecture, Universitas Islam Indonesia en-US Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies 2580-1252 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a title="CCAL" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</li> <li>Articles and all related material published are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.</li> </ol> Millennial’s Residential Design Principle & Basic Model To Improve Work- from-Home Performance Through Mindfulness Practices <p>Since the pandemic COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, it appears that the entire world has been forced to become acquainted with working from home as a new working concept. One of the dominant challenge in implementing work-from-home comes from decline of work performance caused by incapability to cognitively focus on several task at once. Millennial as a dominant productive age range in Indonesia are facing this continuously emerging problems, considering work-from-home working culture and flexible working are believed to be a future of work culture. When implementing work-from-home, millennials face the challenge to improve work performance, one of which is through mindfulness practices to help boost work performance. Through a literature review and design by research, this study seeks to identify a home and workspace design application model that accommodates mindfulness practices. Mindfulness practices are accommodated through flexible spatial planning, building materials with various texture, window openings in the workspace are strategically adjacent to green garden, green spaces with wide variety of colour, shape, and textures, and then the principle are applied in a residential models that fit the preferences for the millennial generation</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>millennial house design; mindfulness; </em><em>workspace</em><em>; </em><em>work performance</em></p> Kartiansmara Lilih Purnaumbara Copyright (c) 2023 Kartiansmara Lilih Purnaumbara 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 7 2 10.20885/jars.vol7.iss2.art1 Architecture Mosque in Indonesia: The Typical Pattern and Its Shifting Form from The Period of The Kingdom to The Emergence of The YAMP Mosque Phenomenon <p>Mosques in Indonesia play a significant role as public facilities closely intertwined with society and architecture. They are part of Indonesia's long history, continuously evolving with the changing times. This article attempts to examine the changes in mosque development over the years and seeks to understand the evolving forms. The Inquiry in this article begins with the Kingdom era, continues through the colonial period, and the era of independence, and leads to the emergence of the YAMP mosque phenomenon, using literature review and comparative analysis of secondary data as comprehensive writing content. The influence of modernization on mosque architecture in Indonesia has resulted in a variety of archetypes, each carrying different meanings. The archetype of multi-tiered roofs (<em>tajug</em>) and domes resurfaced after its initial appearance, with similar symbolism but employing different materials and technologies. The architecture of mosques during the post-emergence period those archetypes, tend nostalgic and can be closely associated with industrial and universal forms.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em> Archetype; morphology:Indonesia; </em><em>Mosque architecture</em></p> Doni Sastra Copyright (c) 2023 Doni Sastra 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 7 2 10.20885/jars.vol7.iss2.art2 Reverberation Time Improvement in the Worship Room of Palihan Javanese Christian Church <p>Acoustic comfort is one of four types of comforts in a room. Acoustic comfort allows users of worship spaces to be more focused and solemn in worshipping. One indicator that indicates the optimality of acoustic comfort is the level of clarity of sound articulation. The level of sound articulation in the worship space of the Palihan Javanese Christian Church is considered unclear, so it can be concluded if there is excessive reverberation time in the worship room. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the ideal reverberation time in the worship room of the Palihan Javanese Christian Church. The research was conducted using quantitative research methods. The improvement of reverberation time in this research is done by identifying the materials that are used in the worship room of the Palihan Javanese Christian Church at a frequency of 500Hz and 1000Hz using Sabine's reverberation time theory. From this research, it can be concluded that the replacement of some reflector materials with diffuser and absorber materials can reduce the excess reverberation time in the worship room of the Palihan Javanese Christian Church.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>acoustic materials; improvement; </em><em>reverberation time</em></p> Tabita Febriawaty Kartika Putri Erni Setyowati Copyright (c) 2023 Tabita Febriawaty Kartika Putri, Erni Setyowati 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 7 2 10.20885/jars.vol7.iss2.art3 Study of Kridosono’s Urban Quality Space in Yogyakarta using TUSA <p>The importance of public spaces is one of United Nations’ Goals. Green Open Space in Kridosono which is aspired by the government is a public open space that can be easily accessed by the public and as main open space contributes as a sports field. Based on other studies related to Kridosono, most of them questioned how to improve the urban space quality of the Kridosono area as a public open space. This study aims to examine the elements that are factors in improving the urban space quality, so that we can know and feel of optimal spatial quality as a Public Open Space. Tools for Urban Space Analysis (TUSA) is a novelty/state of the art/novelty in the discussion. The results are to obtain elements related to improve the urban space quality, to fulfill all Nodal, Spatial and Environmental attributes and values for Hardware &amp; Use-Socio Perception for Software.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Kridosono; Open Space; TUSA; Urban Space Quality</em></p> Wiliarto Wirasmoyo Desrina Ratriningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Wiliarto Wirasmoyo, Desrina Ratriningsih 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 7 2 10.20885/jars.vol7.iss2.art4 Optimizing Noise Levels in the Inpatient Room at Bumi Panua Pohuwato Hospital <p>Bumi Panua Hospital is the only hospital in Marisa District, Pohuwato Regency. In each building, there is a lot of activity going on between patients, nurses, doctors, and visitors who arrive. In addition, the vehicle parking location which is right in front of the hospital inpatient room can cause noise which can reduce patient comfort. The noise level of the hospital must be in accordance with its function and meet health requirements, especially in inpatient rooms. The aim of this research is to carry out measurements to optimize noise levels in patient inpatient rooms at Bumi Panua Pohuwato Hospital. The method used in this research is a descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach and acoustic simulation using the I-SIMPA application. From the results of Background Noise and Reverberation Time research on class III and II inpatient rooms at Bumi Panua District Hospital. Pohuwato. The condition of background noise in class III and II inpatient rooms is not good because the (dB) produced by background noise in the room is quite high, above 66 dB and exceeds the recommended standard regarding (dB) background noise in patient rooms. It should be below 40 - 45 dB. Based on the simulation results, the reverberation time in class III and class II inpatient rooms produces reverberation time that exceeds the recommended standard due to not using acoustic materials and the shape and volume of the room which causes sound reflection to occur for longer. Optimization is carried out to reduce the reverberation time so that the sound intensity in the room is not too long and can reduce background noise in the patient room.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Background Noise; Hospital; Reverberation Time (RT30)</em></p> <p> </p> Moh. Eran Nurmiah Copyright (c) 2023 Moh. Eran, Nurmiah 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 7 2 10.20885/jars.vol7.iss2.art5 The Visual Integrity Approach in Historical City Development <p>Architecture and city landscape study becomes interesting if it is associated with factors that accompany the process of growth and development of the city. The city of Yogyakarta has a unique landscape, derived from the authentic history of the region's landscape configuration, and unique geographical elements, and supported by socio-cultural life based on historical traditions. The pressures and challenges of this condition cannot be avoided with the development of the area, the increasing density, and the emergence of new urban spaces which have physical and visual aspects. This study aims to know the strategy for strengthening visual integrity through the natural and cultural landscape of Yogyakarta as a historic city. The study was discussed by analyzing the basic aspects of visual integration in the form of sequence, orientation, continuity, and complexity. Comparison method between 3 historical cities Vienna, Kyoto, and Istanbul, considered to have the same natural, physical and cultural components. The discussion focuses on descriptive analysis to get the best practices for Yogyakarta city planning. The results of this study show the importance of maintaining the visual integrity of the landscape of the Historical Yogyakarta City area in the face of the pressures of urban development and maintaining the sustainability of the authenticity of city basic values.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>architecture and landscape; authenticity; natural; physical and cultural components</em></p> Hanif Budiman Mode Jutta Nensi Golda Yuli Copyright (c) 2023 Hanif Budiman, MA, Ph.D, Mode Jutta, Nensi Golda Yuli 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 7 2 10.20885/jars.vol7.iss2.art6