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Grab is a transportation service that has experienced significant development amid the progress of digitalization. Until now, the existence of Grab has been significant for the community, providing jobs and helping people access their destinations quickly. However, various predictors emerged that led to a decrease in work activation by Grab partners. This study aims to analyze the correlation of work environment and compensation with job satisfaction as mediators in increasing work motivation at Grab Partners in Balikpapan City. The quantitative design was used by distributing an online questionnaire to 100 respondents in Balikpapan City. Sample determination using nonprobability sampling with the accidental sampling technique There were seven hypotheses, which were analyzed using multiple linear regression with a significance level of 95% (p <0.05). The findings demonstrate that job satisfaction at Grab Partners in Balikpapan City mediates the relationship between work motivation and compensation. As a result, all variables have a significant positive correlation and influence each other directly and indirectly. According to this study, Grab companies can pay attention to work environment factors and compensation in influencing partner work motivation through job satisfaction to enhance the image and services of partners.

Kata Kunci

work environment compensation job satisfaction motivation grab a partner work environment compensation job satisfaction motivation grab a partner

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Cara Mengutip
Salsabilla, D. A., & Palupi, M. . (2023). Correlation of Work Environment and Compensation with Job Satisfaction as Mediation in Increasing Work Motivation of Grab Partners in Balikpapan City. Selekta Manajemen: Jurnal Mahasiswa Bisnis & Manajemen, 2(3), 307–322. Diambil dari


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